The usual mind/body approaches aren’t moving the needle. We are.
When the mainstream ideas of "balance" and ‘mental and physical wellbeing have become a detrimental standard, it’s no wonder people are going backwards—despite their best efforts. Mental and physical health standards decline year after year, while mind, body, and life are compartmentalized into fragmented, sub-optimal approaches that fail to create meaningful mental and physical health and performance.
What is LimitlessOS?
LimitlessOS is a complete system of knowledge and action designed to give people the tools to make measurable leaps in mind-body health and performance—in today’s world.
LimitlessOS is an integration of elite expertise, precision-based mental and physical diagnostics, and world-class coaching support. This enables us to gives you what you need to pull the major levers of change leading to measurable improvements in key areas such as:
Lowering functional and biological age
Enhancing cognitive function and mental clarity
Improving emotional regulation and mental health
Creating pain free, strong and mobile bodies
Strengthening life clarity and purpose
Accuracy, simplicity, and measurability are the foundation of LimitlessOS as we show you how to utilise your innate strengths to unlock new capacity.
For those needing targeted solutions, we offer integrations to address specific concerns such as addiction, anxiety, trauma, nutrition, and ADHD.
It’s never too soon to begin,
and never too late to thrive.
No matter your age or stage in life, starting now is all that matters. It is extraordinary how much better you can think, feel and move in a very short time frame when you learn what to do and how to do it.
For Early Adulthood: Build Strong Foundations
Early adulthood is the perfect time to install LimitlessOS. This knowledge will provide the cornerstone mind/body habits and strategies that will set you up for for years to come. At Limitless, we guide you in creating a robust framework for mental and physical well-being, helping you unlock your potential and live extraordinary.
By adopting proactive strategies now, you can significantly reduce the risk of chronic issues like heart disease, diabetes, and other long-term challenges as well build significant inoculation from from mental health issues like anxiety, addiction and depression. Start building the habits today that empower your mind, body, and life for a limitless future.
For Midlife: Monitor and Optimise
Midlife is NOT the time to take your foot of the gas and relax, the opposite in fact is true. These are you power years and your time to harness knowledge and experience and step into your highest standards for yourself in mind, body and success.
Our program gives you the personalised insight, advise and actions that you can take to immediately enhance your life and mental and physical well-being. You need to know where you are and what you need to do. This is your time to thrive with clarity, strength, and purpose. You need an install of the most cutting edge mind/body operating system, not an outdated one from the 90’s.
For Later Adulthood: Active Management for a Thriving Life
To stay young in mind and body you have to take defiant action with a focus on strength and mobility, cognitive function and
LimitlessOS provides you with the tools that have shown the greatest results for enduring health, cognitive clarity, and metabolic balance, empowering you to stay active, sharp, bio-age young and confident.
We personalise all programs for your individual needs. You can follow the app, come on a retreat or work with us one to one.
We built the LimitlessOS program to provide you with a world class health and performance program that will create real, measurable and life changing outcomes in the most effective and efficient way possible.
An initial 2 hour consult with both limitlessOS creators Leigh Stalker and Alistair Horscroft where we evaluate what your health and performance goals are and inspire you to reach a little higher than you may think is possible for you.
Based of your goals and the consult we provide you with comprehensive mind/body/brain assessments from brain maps, neuro-chemistry, blood panels, body composition, biological age, life values, psychological strengths so that we can give you a program that gives you measurable leap in health and performance.
With assessments complete you are given a comprehensive step by step program. Your program will only focus on the levers that will give you real results efficiently and effectively.
Following a program is where most people become unstuck. Not with LimitlessOS. We support you in the way that YOU need support so that accountability and consistency is enjoyable, rewarding and inspiring through out.
A program is only as successful as the outcome and results it has YOU achieve. Of course you are going to notice significant improvements in how you think, feel and move, however we also can’t wait to provide you with the measurable results that you have achieved against your initial assessments.